
Thursday, November 18, 2010

so. much. rain.

It is so wet and cold and dark outside, the only thing I have much motivation for is snuggling on the couch with my pup, drinking hot chocolate and watching movies.

But, pies must persevere!
This weekend for snack attack, I'm doing a Thanksgiving preview...

Pumpkin/Snickerdoodle Pie: exactly what it sounds like, a traditional t-day pie in a snickerdoodle crust!
Savory Feast Pie: turkey, stuffing, cranberries, monterey jack, mashed potatoes and gravy!

The usual info:
where: vega dance+lab, 1322 se water ave portland or
when: saturday 11/20 from 11am - 2pm
how much: pies $1.50 / coffee $1. cash only

I hope to see you there!
pies + love + happiness

ps. I have a toaster oven this week, melty warm MiniPies on a cold rainy day!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Hello friends!

Tomorrow is the 2nd installment of Snack Attack Saturday at Vega Dance+Lab! Vega is located at 1322 SE Water Ave Portland OR 97214. I'll be there from 11am - 2pm.

Here's the menu...

Sweet MiniPies:
Honey-Bourbon Poached Quince in a Sugar Cookie Crust
Persimmon in a Gingerbread Cookie Crust

Savory MiniPies:
Artichoke/Gouda Tartlets (Vegetarian w/ eggs+dairy)
Spicy Turkey/Pepper Jack Tartlets (Gluten Free)

All MiniPies are $1.50 each, cash only.
Stumptown Coffee, $1.

I hope to see your beautiful faces there!

pies, love and happiness,

Saturday, November 6, 2010


My friend Allison Franco took some gorgeous photos today at Snack Attack Saturday, I'm so glad she was there with her trusty camera in hand. Oh, and if you've ever wanted to learn how to be a really cool hip hop dancer, you should take her class at vega. She's a kick in the pants!

Peanut Butter Pies in Chocolate Chip Cookie Crusts

Savory Prosciutto Tarts with Caramelized Onions, Pears and Rosemary
Me at my mini pie table!


Hi everyone!

The first Snack Attack Saturday went so well! I had a pretty adorable little table in the lobby of Vega Dance+Lab with flowers and coffee. I sold out of about half of the pies, which I'm pretty happy with considering the limited amount of advertising that I did. Friend Allison took some really nice photos that I can hopefully post a little later.

Thank you, thank you to everyone who came out and supported! It means so much to me, you don't even know. Especially huge thank you to Evie Graham  for your endless love and support and Vega Dance+Lab for just being totally radical.

Rumors of an additional pie day at Vega may or may not be true... Stay tuned ;)

pies, love and happiness


Friday, November 5, 2010

Snack Attack Saturdays!

AnniePies is partnering with Vega Dance+Lab to bring you Snack Attack Saturdays! Come on down and try a dance class and then some mini pies! Or just dance... or just eat pie. Either way, come visit! There will be a limited quantity of two flavors of pie, changing every saturday. 

The menu for tomorrow is...
sweet: peanut butter pie in a chocolate chip cookie crust
savory: prosciutto with caramelized onions, pears and rosemary
All pies are $1.50 each or $15 for a dozen. And I'll have Stumptown Coffee on for $1. 

Who: AnniePies
What: Snack Attack Saturday
When: Saturday, November 6th, 11am - 2pm
Why: because snacks are good and mini pies are better.

I hope to see your beautiful faces there!  

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Let me just clear something up...

I keep getting asked if I am a baker or a chef or a pastry chef. No, I am not. I have no formal training whatsoever. It makes me nervous when I see blogs like friend of a friend Brandi's (I made That!) blog. She makes amazing looking and sounding food. All. From. Scratch. And I think she even grows a lot of it herself too. There's just a lot of attention around good, well made food these days, especially here in Portland, in case you haven't noticed. So, I start to wonder what kind of business I have in making mini pies. Because I really have no idea what I'm doing. I mean who do I think I am?

But! What I do know is that I grew up in a restaurant and have worked in food service for longer than I care to remember. And, while I'm no professional, I also know that I love comfort and comfort food and snacks and making quirky/cute/creative things and seeing people eat delicious tiny pies.

I guess, when it comes down to it, I'm not in it to make gourmet food or be a star food cart chef. I would never even try to compete with the incredible food artists in this town. I'm just in it to make a few (or several) people happy. I hope that's enough.

till soon lovelies.

ps. Dharma, if you're reading this, I totally stole your sign off phrase. Hope that's cool with you! :)